20 July 2005

I'm confused with my orientation. Can you help?

Im 16 years old and for the past 3 years I have been questioning if i am Bisexual or not. I have been in a relationship with a guy for 2 years, i really like him but i often think about girls. I dont want to come out to my family and my boyfriend until im for sure that i am Bisexual. Im just very confused…can you help me at all?


Hi Brittany,

Thanks for your question. Unfortunately, no one can tell you if your bisexual except you. If you want to experiment with girls, that is something that you would have to figure out.

That being said, you do not need to experiment with girls to be bisexual. You can be bisexual and in a relationship only with a guy. You can be bisexual and be in a relationship with a girl. You can be bisexual and be dating both a guy and a girl. You can be bisexual and not dating anyone! At the end of the day, how you identify your sexual preferences is up to you, and what you feel most comfortable with.

If you don’t want to come out to your boyfriend and family until you’re sure then don’t. Take the time you need/want to figure things out.

Hope that was helpful !

AlterHeros Team
