19 juin 2009

Why do i lately enjoy watching transsexual porn?

i have enjoyed sex with woman for many years i am 34 and have lately found my self watching a lot of transsexual things on the internet and when i watch it i get an erection but if i watch to males it does nothing for me what is wrong with me

Hillary Greer

Hi Jerry, thanks for turning to Alterheros with your question.

Throughout our lives, as we age and become more comfortable with ourselves as sexual beings and more comfortable exploring our sexualities, it is completely healthy and normal for sexual preferences to change. In referring to sexuality and preference here I am not only referring to sexual orientation, but all things related to sex (like when, where, how, and with who we like to have it). Each individual is unique in their personal combination of these ingredients. Lately you’ve found a certain kind of stimulus (transsexual pornography) that excites you. Everything else about your sexuality can stay the same. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you are a transsexual, or that you want to have sex with a transsexual, or that you are gay. There are straight people who enjoy watching gay porn simply because of the equality present between all of the involved individuals (rather than the dominating and sometimes violent nature of heterosexual pornography).You have now found something new that has excited you, and it doesn’t have to go any farther than that.

If you are feeling a bit curious about the other things mentioned here such as possibly being transsexual or wanting to have sex with transsexuals, then I encourage you to explore this further either on your own (lots of great resources online), or with a professional. You can also totally come back here to Alterheros and ask as many more questions as you need. We’ll be happy to help you figure some things out.

Basically, as long as you aren’t doing anything illegal or hurting anyone (without consent) then there is nothing wrong with you or what you are doing.

Enjoy it and keep exploring, who knows what you might find!

Hillary, for Alterheros
