My boyfriend was rubbing his penis on me, but he was in his underwear and I had a panty too. I'm 14 days late on my period. Could this cause pregnancy?

My boyfriend was rubbing his penis while on top of me but he was in his underwear and I had a panty too.
We never had penetrative sex nor even touched directly naked.
But I’m 14 days late on my period could that thing cause pregnancy or it’s just delayed coz I’m too much stressed?

Hi there,
Thanks so much for reaching out. This has clearly been weighing on you alot.

Based on the information you have provided, it is unlikely that you are pregnant from the situation you described. In order for pregnancy to occur, semen (which contains sperm) must come into contact with the genital area. Since neither of you were naked, and there was no penetration, or genital to genital skin contact, the likelihood of any semen coming into contact with your vagina or genital region  is very low.

It is more likely possible that stress could cause a delay in your period. Stress can impact the menstrual cycle by disrupting hormone levels and delaying ovulation.

Other important changes in lifestyle routines can cause a delayed period, for example drastic changes in diet or exercise routine, and certain medications. However, if you are concerned about a possible pregnancy, it is always best to take a pregnancy test to confirm whether or not you are pregnant.This can help alleviate some stress.

If it is at all possible, I would encourage you to speak to healthcare providers regarding your concerns. They can provide information and help that is more adapted and specific to your body’s menstrual cycle.

I hope this answers your question and that it could bring you some peace of mind!

I wish you the best,

