Is my teacher attracted to me?
Does my teacher like me or hate me ?lesbian?
I’m a girl with short boyish hair but cute lol So there is that girl (my teacher) more like she is just teaching me an extra linguistics class She is still a student around my age (I’m 20) and she has also short hair like a Korean male hair cut?? so basically this corse was only one semester, she has treated me waaay different and when I told my friends they clearly told me that she is falling for me but I really don’t get it .. read this and tell me does she hate or like me
1- I’m the only girl she remember her name. 2- she doesn’t look at me directly or direct any orders or questions to me (avoid me) 3-but when I get too quite she suddenly says what about you ? She suddenly as me about my opinion when her and the other girls suddenly chat.. 4- she calls my name a lot 5-she knows my number “saved it” 6-I thought she hated me because she doesn’t talk to me nor look at me while giving instructions to other girls she panics when I’m there..
Does my teacher like me or hate me ?lesbian?
I’m a girl with short boyish hair but cute lol So there is that girl (my teacher) more like she is just teaching me an extra linguistics class She is still a student around my age (I’m 20) and she has also short hair like a Korean male hair cut?? so basically this corse was only one semester, she has treated me waaay different and when I told my friends they clearly told me that she is falling for me but I really don’t get it .. read this and tell me does she hate or like me
1- I’m the only girl she remember her name. 2- she doesn’t look at me directly or direct any orders or questions to me (avoid me) 3-but when I get too quite she suddenly says what about you ? She suddenly as me about my opinion when her and the other girls suddenly chat.. 4- she calls my name a lot 5-she knows my number “saved it” 6-I thought she hated me because she doesn’t talk to me nor look at me while giving instructions to other girls she panics when I’m there..
Hi Menome,
Thank you for taking the time to write to AlterHeros. If I understand correctly, you are asking yourself if your teacher is attracted to you. The situation is confusing you and you would like to make sense of everything.
To clarify a few things, I have a few questions for you. In your message, you only mention your teacher’s actions and not how you feel about it. As much as I would like to help you figure out if your teacher hates you or likes you, it’s also important to position yourself on how you feel about these interactions.
You can find a woman attractive without wanting to pursue something more than the attraction. It’s completely normal to be attracted to people from the same gender. Would you be confortable to identify yourself as a lesbian or a bisexual? Would that reflect better your orientation? On top of desire, orientation is also based on feelings and conduct. You don’t have to identity yourself to one category or another. The most important is that you are confortable with your own thoughts and actions.
It is really important to respect yourself in your reflection. Your wellbeing is the priority. Would you be able to talk about the situation with someone close to you? Would you be able to address this directly with your teacher to see how she feels about your perception? You could contact your local LGBT organization and they could get you in contact with people that could help you explore your thoughts more deeply. You can also share your story on our discussion groups, and it would be a pleasure for the other members to support and guide you.
I hope this will help your situation and your questioning.
We thank you for your trust and please don’t hesitate to send us a message if you feel the need to!
Elizabeth, for AlterHéros