Is it possible to get pregnant if my boyfriend's penis touched my vulva while he wore boxers and joggers and I was naked?

Is it possible to get pregnant if I was giving my boyfriend head and he cum but I whip it with a towel. then he finger me while I was between his leg he had his boxer on and it looked wet idk it it could go through my short and underwear. and I give him head again and he cum again and I whip it with a towel again. then he pull his boxer back up and took joggers from the floor and put it on.

After that he took my cloth off and give me head and finger me at the same time. Then he went between my legs and I could feel his dick poking me but he had already put his joggers on and I was naked. Could it be possible for sperm to go through his boxers and jogger and get me pregnant even thought I whip it with towel everytime he cum. And I saw that his boxer kinda look wet, and he didn’t touch his dick at all.

His dick was not near my vagina without having his joggers on . But i don’t know if a sperm was because I was wet.

Émilie Grandmont

Hi Emily!


Thank you for trusting our team. 🙂

So, you’re wondering if there’s a possibility of getting pregnant if your vulva comes in contact with your boyfriend’s penis while at least one of you is wearing clothes. Is that right?

Since we receive a lot of questions that are similar to yours, I’ll insert a previous answer from my colleague Frédérique:

First of all, to get pregnant, it is required that the sperm enters the vagina.

When you are wearing clothes as pants and panties, the sperm can’t pass through it. Furthermore, if your partner wears clothes too, the sperm can’t go through his clothes, yours and get access to your vagina.

However, you said that his penis never enters your vagina, it just touches it.

To be clear, if his penis touches your vagina while he rubs it or he humps you and the two of you are naked, there are small chances that the sperm will get to your vagina and get you pregnant, but it is not impossible.

On a side note, it is important to know that only a contact between your vagina and the reproductive organs of someone else is risky enough to contract an Sexually transmitted infections (STI).

So, if you wear clothes you are safe for any pregnancies. I also recommend you use condoms if you and your boyfriend want to explore genital contacts while naked.

I hope this answers your question! Feel free to contact us again anytime,


Émilie (she/they), for AlterHéros
