12 July 2008

Is the light bleed I had a month ago an implantation bleed?

First thanks for the quick response. However, the reason I posted my question is because I did read the other posts and none really answered what I needed to know. So what I’ll do is try to reword my request….. Is it possible that implantation bleeding not be just a light pink ……. Beginning of June I had what I thought was a period but only 2 days-not even a full two days. The blood was darker than normal but still accompanied by some brighter blood. Am I safe to say this was my period? When it did stop it was sudden and then nothing not even spotting since then…. Hopefully this clarifies what I am asking for.
Thanks, Lena

Rimma Orenman

Hi Lena,

Thank you for the clarification. I know this is a stressful time for you and I will do my best to answer.

If I understand correctly, you had a bleed at the beginning of June that lasted almost 2 days and then stopped abruptly. The blood was mostly dark and some of it was bright. From your previous question, I know you also tested negative on 2 pregnancy tests.

If this was an implantation bleed, then a home pregnancy test done at this time (beginning of July–or one month after implantation) should be positive.

However, if this was your regular period and you had unprotected intercourse and became pregnant in the last few weeks, then a home pregnancy test may still be falsely negative. In other words, a home pregnancy test done now may show a negative result (“no pregnancy”) while you may actually be pregnant.

But there is no way to know one hundred percent from the description of your bleed whether this was an implantation bleed or your regular period.

Anyway what is more important is for you to know whether you are pregnant or not, whether there is any risk to your health with, for example, an ectopic pregnancy, and whether you are otherwise in good health (for example, was your period shortened because of illness, a pelvic infection, dieting, etc).

The only way to know with more certainty is to see a doctor who will be able to do the blood pregnancy test and decide whether any other tests are necessary to ensure your health.

Remember that if you are 14 or older in Quebec, or a “mature minor” elsewhere in Canada, a doctor is required to keep any information about your health confidential. That is, he will not disclose it to your parents, unless your health or life is in serious danger or you need to be hospitalized for more than 12 hours.

If you have severe cramping (like during periods but worse), fever, a new very heavy period, if you feel have cold sweats, feel weak and that your heart is racing, I suggest that you go to see a doctor immediately because these may be symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy (which is life threatening) or of a pelvic infection (which can make you infertile).

If you are feeling fine, you may consider doing another pregnancy test and seeing a doctor in about 7-10 days. Even if you are not pregnant, seeing the doctor is a good opportunity to have a general gynecological checkup, and discuss contraception and STI (sexual transmitted infection) control. Here are also some drop-in clinics available in Montreal. Hope this helps, and feel free to write back if you have any other questions.

1.Head and Hands

2. Clinique médicale de l’Alternative

3. Your local CLSC
Anywhere in Quebec, your local CLSC usually has doctors who will see people on a drop-in basis (without an appointment).

Rimma, for AlterHeros.
