8 August 2002

A Glorious Beginning For AlterHéros

A beautiful warm summer day, the sun blazing down, bright colours, music blaring, and hundreds of people everywhere sharing the love and joy of Pride – what a way to launch a brand new interactive bilingual web site.


A beautiful warm summer day, the sun blazing down, bright colours, music blaring, and hundreds of people everywhere sharing the love and joy of Pride – what a way to launch a brand new interactive bilingual web site.

On Saturday August 3rd, the AlterHeros team officially launched AlterHeros.com. To mark the historic occasion as well as take part in the Divers/Cité celebrations, AlterHeros had a Kiosque on hand during Community Day to get the message out that we exist, what we’re about, and that we’re here to stay. Complete with a computer, to let people actually surf the site, music, glowsticks, and a motivated team of friends and family, the green and blue AlterHeros Kiosque definitely made a statement.

The enthusiastic response from the public was simply overwhelming. From various media outlets, to dignitaries such as the Provincial Immigration Minister, André Boulerice, the support and encouragement continued thereby solidifying our commitment and dedication to making this the best portal possible. Not to mention the overwhelming support we received from other organizations, especially those locally, serving the les/bi/gay community and the community at large through which some collaborative relationships may develop.

To further our mission and the enhancement of our site, we are currently in the process of recruiting Regional Representatives from the 17 regions of Quebec for our News From Your Region section. These Reps would be responsible for maintaining their respective regional pages with regards to the events, news, and information in their region. The aim is to alleviate any feelings of loneliness and isolation by providing information regarding local community groups, activities, and events that may be of interest to youth in each of the 17 regions in Quebec. Our goal is to recruit dynamic youth who want to change the perception of sexual diversity in their respective regions.

In the meantime, I would again like to thank all of you that came out and supported us on Community Day and those that continue to support us by visiting our site. We are immeasurably grateful and can’t wait until next year.

