Can my girlfriend get pregnant from my sperm getting on her panties?

Can my girlfriend get pregnant from my sperm getting on her panties

Lorena (iel/they)

Hello Jack,


Thank you for coming to us with your question! 🙂 

The answer would be, most likely not. I can’t say there’s no chance at all, but sperm usually has to go inside of a vagina to make someone pregnant. It is possible that sperm that gets on your girlfriend’s underwear and around her vaginal hole might potentially make her pregnant. But even then, it’s rare. To make sure she’s not pregnant, do take a pregnancy test, and/or use contraception methods next time (condoms, contraceptive pill, etc.). 

I hope this answers your question and brings some reassurance. Feel free to ask us about anything else if needed! 


Lorena, sexology student (she/they)
