24 June 2011

Will watching transexual porn compromise my hetero lifestyle?

I have been watching Transexual porn and I really enjoy it, but I’m afraid that it will compromise my heterosexual lifestyle that i love. I’ve also found that i enjoy anal penetration, My ex-girlfriend got me into it with her, but all of this makes me worry that I’m gay when I know I like women. So what does this make me straight with a fetish bi? I’m very confused and have been for quite some time

Brad Newman

I have been watching Transexual porn and I really enjoy it, but I’m afraid that it will compromise my heterosexual lifestyle that i love. I’ve also found that i enjoy anal penetration, My ex-girlfriend got me into it with her, but all of this makes me worry that I’m gay when I know I like women. So what does this make me straight with a fetish bi? I’m very confused and have been for quite some time
Hi Matt,
Thanks for writing in with your question.
It can be confusing when you realize you are interested in something you may have otherwise thought of as abnormal, but let me say that being turned on my transsexual porn is not abnormal at all. People are turned on by different things, and you are just discovering that this is something that piques your interest.
I can’t say if your interest will jeopardize your sexual identity, but it might be a starting point for you to look at what you are interested in, are attracted to, and what you ultimately want. Do you like like to watch transsexual porn in a voyeuristic way? Do you watch and also want to sleep with a transsexual? Could this be a manifestation of an interest you have for men as well as women?  Rather than considering yourself to be heterosexual with a bi-fetish, could you just simply be bi? These are all questions you can think about to figure out where you in fact stand. You’re 22 so there are things you are still unexposed to – so just because they are new or different than what you may be used to, they are normal and could be worth exploring.
As for enjoying anal penetration – that doesn’t make you gay or bi or straight. Guys of all orientations enjoy anal penetration. The prostate is unofficially called the “Male G-Spot” and it’s widely known that guys can be brought to climax by merely stimulating it. So enjoying anal penetration doesn’t define your sexual identity. Who does the stimulating, or how you do it, might be a better indication of your sexual identity, but again that is completely up to you to define.
Hopefully this helps Matt, and don’t hesitate to let us know if you have other questions.
