21 April 2009

Male bisexuality among the handicapped

Bisexuality among males who are born physical handicapped seems to be more common then it use to be. Why is bisexuality a common sexual orientation among males who are born physical handicapped?

Rimma Orenman

Hi John,

Thank you for your question.

I was not able to find specific data that showed that the prevalence of a gay and/or bisexual sexual orientation has increased among men with physical disabilities.

However, my sense is that a person with a physical disability may, in many cases, be discriminated against, either because other people’s attitudes are different towards a person with a visible disability or because access to many public spaces is limited.

Identification as a gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender person in multiple instances is also discriminated against.

So I think this double discrimination has prevented many people who identify themselves as physically dis- or differently abled to also openly identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender. As both groups fight for equal rights and recognition in society, I think the prevalence of people who openly identify themselves as both will increase.

There are some books that have been written on the issue (you’ll be able to find some by googling the main search terms).

If you have any follow-up questions, please let us know.

Rimma, for Alterheros.
