#methodist church
20 May 2002

How Do I Reconcile My Child's Homosexuality With My Religion?

How Do I Reconcile My Child’s Homosexuality With My Religion?

Équipe -Pose ta question!-

For some parents, this may be the most difficult issue to face. For others, it’s a non-issue.

It is true that some religions continue to condemn homosexuality. But even within these religions, there are respected leaders who believe that their church’s position of condemnation is unconscionable.

In 1997, the U.S. Catholic bishops issued a pastoral statement urging parents to love and support their gay children. In a 1994 pastoral letter, the U.S. Episcopal bishops wrote, “As it can be for heterosexual persons, the experience of steadfast love can be for homosexual persons an experience of God.”

Many mainstream religions have now taken official stands in support of gay rights. Some have gone further. The Methodist Church, for example, has developed a network of reconciling congregations welcoming gays, lesbians and bisexuals. Since 1991, the United Church of Christ has had a denominational policy stating that sexual orientation should not be a barrier to ordination. In the Episcopal Church, the denomination’s legislative body has declared that gay people have a full and equal claim with all other people upon the church.

You will still hear people quote the Bible in defense of their prejudice against gay people. But many Biblical scholars dispute any antigay interpretations of Biblical texts. If you have any question about religion & sexuality, please write to AlterHeros by using this form


Adapted from “Our Daughters and Sons: Questions and Answers for Parents of Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual People” written by PFLAG
