Are there any trans friendly gynaecologists in Montreal?

Are there any trans friendly gynaecologists in Montreal?

Lorena (iel/they)

Hi A!

Thank you for reaching out with your question, I’ll be happy to answer it! 🙂

The first ressource I can recommend is Gynéco Positive, a list of gynecologists that are filtered by whether they are LGBTQIA+ friendly and whether they offer their services in english. I’ve already filtered it based on the Montreal region, but you can change that at the top (list by region).

An alternative option would be ASTT(e)Q, which helps trans people have access to resources they need, so I highly recommend contacting them because they will most likely be able to find a gynecologist suited for you. 

Head & Hands is another resource that offers medical services for the LGBTQIA+ community, specifically for young adults up to 25 years old. I’m not entirely sure if they offer gynecology exams, but I think it’s worth contacting them to see! At the very least they can redirect you to a trans-friendly gynecologist.

Furthermore, here is a list of general medical resources recommended by Head & Hands. The english version is located after the french section. I thought I would add it as it is recommended by an organization that is queer-friendly, so I’m hoping these resources are also more tailored for queer people.

Finally, here’s a person who had a similar question, the answer might interest you. It’s in French, so to quickly summarize it, if you have a family doctor, you can ask them for a reference to a trans-friendly gynecologist. If you don’t have a family doctor, you can show up to a drop-in clinic, a CLSC (local community service center) in your region, or a super clinic to ask for a reference for a trans-friendly gynecologist. These three websites (1) (2) (3) might be useful to you in finding an appointment through official services, however the professionals might not be trans-friendly. 

I hope this information will help you find what you’re looking for. Take care, and feel free to contact us again if you have any other questions! 

Lorena (they), sexology student
