Should I be worried of the possibility that precum was able to get through both layers of underwear and into me to cause pregnancy?

Hi there my boyfriend and I did dry humping with our underwear on. He did not finish during this but I’m suddenly worried that there may have been precum. Should I be worried of the possibility that precum was able to get through both layers of underwear and into me to cause pregnancy? Thank you 🙂

Lorena (iel/they)

Hello Jay,


Thank you for reaching out to us with your concerns! 🙂 

It’s absolutely fair to feel worried about potentially getting pregnant during sexual activities. I hope I can reassure you when I say that the chances of that happening are extremely low, if even existent. Dry humping very rarely leads to pregnancy, especially when wearing clothes, because sperm does not survive for very long outside of one’s body. While precum does contain some sperm cells, as long as it hasn’t leaked inside of one’s vagina, then it is very unlikely to cause a pregnancy. Chances of pregnancy increase if for example a part of the underwear covered in precum was pushed slightly inside of the vagina, or got on the vaginal entrance (but even then, it’s rare to get pregnant just from that second situation).

If you want to be 100% sure you’re not pregnant, you could take a pregnancy test, and/or use contraception methods next time (condoms, contraceptive pill, patches, etc.). 

I hope this helped answer your question and relieve some of your worries. Feel free to contact us again if needed!


Lorena, sexology student (she/they)
