My boyfriend rubbed his penis on my vagina with a condom on. Could I get pregnant?

Me on my boyfriend rub his penis on virgina without me having on any panties but he did have on condom on he cum in the condom i feel there was no leaking out seman but worry cause i dont want get pregnag but is not the first time he rub in penis on my vigina but is the first time we use condom

Gab (iel)

Hi Yanique,


thank you for writing to us! I will try to give you the answer you are looking for.

If I understood, your boyfriend rubbed his penis on your naked vagina. He wore a condom, and you did not see it leaking. What I’m not sure I understand “but is not the first time he rub in penis on my vigina but is the first time we use condom”. Usually does he ejaculate while rubbing his penis on your vagina?

I hope I can reassure you by saying that it is nearly impossible for you to get pregnant if your boyfriend ejaculated in the condom. It is safer than if you did not use a condom, as you said you did before.

Condoms keep the semen inside it so the sperm cannot reach the eggs and the uterus. It acts as a barrier. In perfect conditions and with perfect usage, the condom is about 98% effective at preventing pregnancy. However, because no one is perfect, condoms in typical use are about 87% effective at preventing pregnancy. There is always a risk of tearing, leaking or slipping off. You did mention that you did not notice it leaking, so it is almost impossible for you to have gotten pregnant.

However, if you are concerned about the imperfections of a condom, you can pair it with another type of birth control like spermicide (a jelly that disables sperm) and an oral contraceptive (the pill). There are even more options you can discuss with your healthcare professional if you are interested.

I encourage you to keep using a birth control method if pregnancy is not in your plans for the near future. The condom can also protect you from sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (STBBI).


Don’t hesitate to write us if you have any other questions,

Gab (they/them), sexology intern for AlterHéros
