9 août 2010

(English) I don’t think I'm bi but...I don’t think I'm bi but...

I have a question.. well I don’t think that I’m bi, and I’m not attracted to anyone from my gender THAT way but I did a lot of thinking about it..I have a question.. well I don’t think that I’m bi, and I’m not attracted to anyone from my gender THAT way but I did a lot of thinking about it..


Hey, the name’s Othylia (fake, of course)
This year, in dorm, it’s an all girls one. I met a girl, and at the end of the very same day we met, she told me that she was gay. She was like following me, and comes into my room every day, and was clingy for a while. Later, turned out she was rather a faker, she told about everyone of her being gay, but yet told them it was a secret..
Well I was like, always liked to check out girls too, like, «she has nice legs! I’d love to look like that!! » And if there is some rather good looking girl I usually do stare them, or when there’s an ugly boy with a cute girl, I rather look at the girl. Sometimes when I daze off and see suddenly a girl I have these man-like thoughts like «hmm nice ass «. And there were a time in a coffee shop I found myself smiling to a girl.
And back to the girl from dorm, when I feel really lonely I’m wondering that if she would really meant it, that she liked me (told me so) I maybe would’ve hooked up with her, but I know I wouldn’t go further than a kiss, because she was really not an attractive person to me. But those times I think I would even go for a girl, if she would like me, and would stay with me. But I don’t think if I’d want anything else from a girl, than, hugging, and kissing. I never fantasize of girls, I’m not attracted to them in that way. Still I have to say, I don’t even fantasize of men. The way of having sex with one, these kinds of things just don’t matter to me.
If there would be someone for me, that would be enough.
I have a friend who recently told me that she was bi, but still I couldn’t tell her, or any of my friends these kinds of things. She is, as I call them, a shiny creature. I mean everyone she meets up with or just passes by ,gets fascinated by her. She is really pretty for the eyes, face, body, plus she has a nice style. I kinda like to watch her too, when she shows up in a new coordination. And was wondering about being with her too, and unlike the other girl I mentioned, she is attractive, but I couldn’t go with her further than kissing too. So am I bi or is this normal?
[am actually from Europe but I don’t wanna tell my city >.>]
