I rubbed my penis on the outerpart of her vagina and a small amount of sticky water came out of the tip of my penis. Will she get pregnant?

We had like rubbing my penis in here outerpart of her vagina and there a small sticky water comes out of the tip of my penis just only small and also does she will get pregnant in that case ? And how many percent does she will pregnant ? Also she had PCOS , thanks for response

Charlotte (elle)
Hi Adi!
First of all, thank you for reaching out; your trust means a lot to us! ​There are some things in your request that I’m not sure I understand. For example, when you say “on the outerpart of her vagina“, do you mean on her vulva, near her vagina?
In order for someone to get pregnant, there are lots of conditions that have to be met. First, sperm, a white-ish bodily fluid, has to be released from the penis. From what I understand, there was no ejaculation, but the “sticky water” that came out the tip of your penis could be pre-cum. This liquid is not the same as sperm, and does not contain spermatozoa. The pre-cum could contain a small amount of spermatozoa if you had an ejaculation very recently. And even then, the concentration would be very small and they wouldn’t survive for a long period of time.
Now, if there was spermatozoa released, the sperm would have to enter the vaginal canal, and reach an egg and fertilize it in order for the partner to get pregnant. However, she would have to be in her fertile window, which means that her body would be ready to host a baby. This window lasts about 10 days, which is the 5 days before and after the release of an egg in the woman‘s body.
But, because it only takes one good spermatozoon to reach the egg, we can’t say that pregnancy is 100% impossible. In your situation, you did not ejaculate, and unless there had been an ejaculation right before you rubbed your penis on her vulva, the chances of her getting pregnant are extremely low. However, if you‘re still in doubt, she can always take a pregnancy test, which are available at drugstores, clinics, doctors offices or even on Amazon.
If you‘re planning on having other sexual relations and are not considering a pregnancy in the near future, I would suggest using a condom and/or birth control, even if there‘s no penetration; this way, there’s no stress about getting pregnant, and you would also avoid getting a blood-borne and sexual transmitted infection (BBSTI)!

I hope this answers your question! Don‘t hesitate to reach out to us if you have any other concerns 🙂


Charlotte (she/her), volunteer for AlterHéros
